Grateful Leader and Master: Ted Lasso

“Everybody loves the great Ted Lasso. Well, I think you’re a f*cking joke. You don’t belong here,” Nate tells Ted in a scene that physically upsets me.  Ted Lasso is one of my all-time favorite shows. It’s funny, entertaining, and deeply human, with the right...

Wendy Walks Her Talk

Wendy walks her talk and has a title to prove it—her actual job is to infuse gratitude into business culture. Our paths have crossed for decades, but we never met until recently, when a mutual friend introduced us because she noticed we had gratitude in common. Wendy...

Gratitude Challenge: Fake Gratitude

You can’t fake gratitude. It will backfire unless you are an award-winning actor or expert con man. Saying you are grateful for something you are NOT grateful for is a form of lying and seeds distrust. Most of the time, we can see through fake gratitude. Gratitude is...

Book Review: Four Thousand Weeks

This is one intellectual man’s journey to a more peaceful life. The key is to accept our limited time, unknowns, and uncontrollable to find peace and productivity. He uses universal truths on time based on insights from history, philosophers, psychologists, and...