Leadership Workshops

We call them workshops because participants work in a fun and interactive way.

We guarantee that participants leave with tools and actions they can use now.

Contact us to request a proposal for workshops (virtual and face-to-face).

 Our POPULAR Tried and Loved Workshops ARE:



Are you ready to become a leader who not only inspires innovation, fosters team engagement, and is less stressed but also thrives in the face of change and uncertainty?

In a rapidly changing world where effective leadership is vital, embracing gratitude can be your game-changer.  Grateful leaders are not only more innovative but also inspire engaged teams.

In this dynamic workshop, you’ll discover how gratitude can transform your leadership style, equipping you to navigate challenging VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity) environments with empathy and resilience.

This workshop is for leaders of all levels. To learn more click here.


 Discover the transformative power of Facilitative Leadership – a dynamic approach that places people at the heart of achieving top-notch results. Unleash your potential as a leader who not only creates a positive and productive work environment but paves the way for a more sustainable and successful future.

In this highly interactive workshop, we’ll customize Facilitative Leadership principles to your unique work context.  Get ready to dive into a toolkit derived from project management, facilitation, coaching, and influencing/communication all grounded creating a foundation of strong, positive, gratitude-based cultures.

This is an advanced leadership workshop. To learn more click here. 


Leading, coaching, and managing are similar, yet different. Each is an action that creates different results and will have a different impact, and each requires similar skills, yet each is applied differently.

When you know of your natural style it enables you to determine which actions to take.  This is a complex and challenging process, but when you are aware more is possible.

This popular workshop is based on a research paper, written by Star, you can read, it here.

This workshop is targeted at first and second level leaders and managers and technical or project managers.

Contact us to request a proposal for these or let us help you define a workshop to address your needs.