Grateful Leader and Master: Ted Lasso

“Everybody loves the great Ted Lasso. Well, I think you’re a f*cking joke. You don’t belong here,” Nate tells Ted in a scene that physically upsets me.  Ted Lasso is one of my all-time favorite shows. It’s funny, entertaining, and deeply human, with the right...

Evil Marketer Learns Gratitude

Marketing was considered evil in the engineering company I grew up in. Over time, I’ve changed that belief and now have respect for marketing and marketing friends. 😊 Suzan is the opposite of evil. She’s in marketing, and I respect her and see her as a genuinely...

Wendy Walks Her Talk

Wendy walks her talk and has a title to prove it—her actual job is to infuse gratitude into business culture. Our paths have crossed for decades, but we never met until recently, when a mutual friend introduced us because she noticed we had gratitude in common. Wendy...

Your Leadership Framework:  Five W’s

Leaders are as unique as grains of sand.    Eight billion people multiplied by millions of unique situations create many ways to lead.   You choose what you want: lead, follow, ignore, or actively oppose each situation. Leadership expert Warren Bennis states that...

Gratitude Challenge: Must Practice

If people only knew how much gratitude could help and benefit them, they would do more, said one person interviewed. The scientific evidence and anecdotal are overwhelming for practicing gratitude, and the stronger the gratitude muscle, the more the benefit. For...