Using human wi-fi capabilities to invoke change is part of neuroscience and it’s why everyone is talking about it Humans are nothing more than a bunch of electrically and chemically excitable neurons. Some neurons have wi-fi-like capabilities. They communicate to other people without having to touch another person. They pass
In the case of seeing someone yawn or seeing someone else experiencing a strong emotion, like sadness, the neuron wi-fi passes information between people. If they are tired, I must be too, so I’ll yawn. If they are sad, I should be sad. It’s scary to think that most of the neuron wi-fi network is unconscious. You can observe these wi-fi neurons communicating
Ending a conversation is one example. Subconsciously people learn culturally how to end a conversation, they turn slightly sideways, nod, and then make a concluding statement. That signals, via neurons over the wi-fi, that the other person is ending the conversation. Some people are not good at reading these social cues and have to learn those signals that most people are socialized in and get unconsciously. Others are more attuned to what their neuronal networks are saying.
We can increase our ability to hear those neurons that want to be heard. When it’s you listening to your neurons you’re being self-aware. When you are listening to others’ neurons it’s called empathy. Listening to your own neurons is also referred to as a mind-body connection. Common sayings hint at the connection between neurons and feelings like: I have a gut feeling; I was going to jump out of my skin; I felt tingles in my arms. Today we know the science of neurons, and their networks are behind the mind and body being connected.
Bottom line is that you can be the sender or the receiver in this wi-fi network. What signal do you want to send to change something like a conversation or meeting? An example is that by closing a laptop or notebook is a signal to end a meeting. Smiling and laughing is a signal for people to relax and be open.
What signals are you receiving that change the emotional tone of a meeting? What signals can you send?