10 Balance Challenges and ACCEPT Balance Formula

BALANCE Falling down; falling off; and falling asleep when you shouldn’t be are all signs of being out of balance. Being out of balance can occur if you are surrounded by chaos and change or even with leisurely pastimes. Being balanced is a personal equation and...

Ten Things to Do to Build Awareness

Appropriately, “awareness” is the first step in the Leadership ABC’s and in making any changes. Awareness includes self-awareness, situational awareness, and awareness of other people. Being aware helps create better choices that lead to better actions and results....

Six Memorable Phrases said by Leaders

1. “1000 songs in your pocket” – This is how Steve Jobs first publicly described the iPod in 1998. 2. “No.” – Rosa Parks said this in conjunction with her action of refusing to move to the back of the bus. 3. “I have a dream that all men shall live as equals.” Martin...
Leaders Understand Many and Reach us Individually

Leaders Understand Many and Reach us Individually

Great leaders understand. They understand the needs and wants and hopes of others. They understand themselves, their goals, and visions. They understand how to concisely and simply state the reality and complexity of a situation. They understand how to say it so that...