Leadership Coaching
4 Step Process
Clarity > Commit > Consistent > Celebrate
This is a comprehensive coaching program developed to achieve your result. We start with gaining CLARITY on what results you want. Then we COMMIT to making it happen. This requires a CONSISTENT set of actions and learning to create the change needed to level up. Finally we CELEBRATE your success! This process provides accountability, structure, and checkpoints, for a faster and efficient way to achieve your results. It is measurable and based on principals from project management.
#1 - Clarity: Assessment and Analysis
Input, feedback, and all possible data sources are analyzed and organized into meaningful and useful information to form the basis for setting goals. An initial goal or set of 1-3 goals are established. Some goals maybe broad based, such as: Improve Leadership Skills, Better Communication, Higher-Performing Team. Other goals will be very specific and measurable, such as: Improve my delegation skills from a 5/10 to an 8/10 or Influence my manager on this topic or change the culture of my team from negative to positive moving from a 3/10 to a 7/10. Optional at this point are a 360 feedback. We do both online and interviews. Optional at this point is identifing a sponsor to support and assist you along the way.
#2 - Commit: Goal Setting and Planning
After the analysis is completed, a report is created on the findings are discussed. Specific targeted and measurable coaching goals will be identified that are in support of any larger coaching program goal. If there is a sponsor, the coaching goals will be approved or jointly designed with the sponsor. This is where the goal becomes measurable, such as: Improve communication and confidence with senior executives; Influence project ABC to be accepted and completed; Delegate two projects in next 60 days and a commitment to the goals is made by you and those supporting you.
#3 - Consistent: Ongoing Coaching
You will be coached on an ongoing basis as best needed to achieve your goals. The majority of the coaching will be virtual. Coaching will be scheduled upfront and at regular intervals. Each coaching session typically includes accountalbity, insights, lessons learned and ending with reviewing your next action steps.
#4 - Celebrate: Wrap-up
We will review your progress and update as needed by reaching out to any interviewees involved in the initial assessment. The goal is to gather information about progress, additional feedback and their suggested next steps for you. If a sponsor is involved they will be given final status on public goals. We will review your final progress, lessons learned, and prepare you for your continuing success and next possible steps. You have acieved your results, celebrate!
Optional Initial 360-Feedback Assessment as Part of Phase 1:
We use both online feedback tools and personalized interviews, depending on your circumstances. The interview questions will be provided by the coach and approved by you. The coach will interview approximately 8-12 identified participants. Interview candidates are typically managers, peers, and direct reports who can give useful, specific, and confidential feedback. Each interview will be approximately 30-45 minutes.